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Get your Bone Health Essentials supplements with 20% off!

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Can’t Kick those Cravings? It’s not your fault!

Can’t Kick those Cravings? It’s not your fault!

We are 4 weeks into 2021, and if you are like most you are finding it difficult to keep your New Year’s resolutions alive. Your enthusiasm for eating clean and exercising daily is fading. You are falling back into your old pattern. You are finding it harder and harder to muster up the willpower to overcome those cravings for comforting carbohydrates and sweet sugary treats. 

It is not your fault! These simple carbs and sugary foods not only taste good on your tongue but they are addictive. In fact, they can affect our biology and our brain much the way that drugs like heroin and cocaine do.  

Are you one of the millions of people who know they should cut down on sugar and carbs but find it nearly impossible because of intense cravings? 

Here’s why:

  • Sugar stimulates the release of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the nucleus accumbens, the region of the brain known as the pleasure and reward center. When you eat sugar, it gives you a rush of pleasure and energy that makes you feel good. Additionally, like an addictive drug, we start to develop a tolerance for sugar and need more and more to get the same effect. 
  • Eating sweet tasty foods also activates the opioid receptors in our brain literally creating a sugar high.  
  • Simple carbohydrates also cause blood sugar dysregulation. Eat a bagel, a brownie, or a bowl of ice cream, and your blood sugar skyrockets, only to come crashing down a few hours later (known as reactive hypoglycemia). This triggers you to crave more of those sugar and carbohydrate-rich foods to boost your blood sugar as quickly as possible, and off you go for another ride on the blood sugar roller coaster. 
  • Sugar feeds the opportunistic microorganisms in our gut, the so-called “bad bacteria,”  and a yeast called Candida. Candida is a type of yeast naturally present in everyone’s digestive tract. However, poor digestion, a high sugar or carbohydrate diet, and weak gut immunity can cause Candida to overgrow and take over the gut. Candida, like all yeast, feeds on sugar. In turn, it produces chemicals that signal to your brain causing you to crave more sugar.

No wonder it’s so hard to overcome that sweet tooth!

Here are several things you can do to kick those cravings to the curb:

    1. You must eliminate refined sugars, sodas, fruit juices (yes, that morning glass of OJ), and artificial sweeteners from your diet. Switching from Coke to Diet Coke to cut down on your sugar intake is not the answer. Artificial sweeteners trick your brain into thinking that you ate sugar, but when blood glucose levels don’t rise, you will crave more sweets to make up the deficit.
    2. Stabilize your blood sugar by combining protein, fat, and a complex carbohydrate high fiber carbs at every meal and snack. Combining these macronutrients will slow down digestion, help stabilize your blood sugar and prevent cravings. I love to snack on nuts and seeds because they are a perfect package of balanced macronutrients.

Familiarize yourself with the glycemic index and avoid foods with a GI >55.  The glycemic index indicates how fast a high-carbohydrate food is digested and how much it causes your blood sugar to rise. The index doesn’t depend merely on whether the carbohydrates are simple (sugars) or complex (starches). Many factors come into play, including the amount of fiber and fat in the food, how refined the food is, how fast the food is digested, and whether it was cooked.

  • Don’t skimp on your sleep. Lack of sleep disrupts many hormones that control appetite. The result is increased hunger, blood sugar dysregulation, and cravings for high carb foods.
  • Heal your gut! Sugar cravings are often a sign of gut dysfunction and dysbiosis. Dysbiosis is an imbalance of the microorganisms in your gut characterized as an overgrowth of opportunistic (bad<) organisms and a deficiency of beneficial microflora. As long as these opportunistic bacteria are allowed to thrive in your gut, you will continue to crave sugar. 


Remember: There are 5 days left to get a great deal on the Gut Health Package — a great way to learn if you have dysbiosis or other digestive health issues!

You know the damage that sugar can do to your body. It is one of the primary causes of weight gain and diabetes, it weakens the immune system and drives inflammation. It is the culprit in so many degenerative diseases. 

Sugar cravings are not necessarily a sign of your lack of self-control.  Consuming this highly addictive substance makes it very hard to stick with a healthy diet for any length of time. 


Do not despair! Sugar cravings can be overcome. Follow the guidelines above and you’ll soon stop searching your pantry for high carb snacks and start craving a whole new set of delicious and nutritious foods.


If you are struggling to curb those cravings…please reach out. I am here to help!




Susan Brady
is a Physical Therapist,
Nutrition Consultant and
Doctor of Integrative Medicine.
She is dedicated to helping people achieve
lasting good health and vitality.

Want to learn more about how you can improve your bone health? Contact me for a free 15 minute phone consult to learn more about the BONES Method™ and how it can help you achieve strong, healthy bones for life!

My personal story and what it means to you.

My personal story and what it means to you.

I suffered from GI symptoms for years. I had ongoing stomach pain, heartburn, bloating, and excessive gas that left me feeling miserable, and my stomach distended day after day. 

When I sought medical treatment, I was first diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome and prescribed a medication that left me feeling flat while doing nothing for my symptoms. 

I was then convinced that my gallbladder was to blame and had my gallbladder removed. 

After my surgery, I was told that the pathology report indicated that my gallbladder actually looked fine…no disease, no stones, no inflammation. 

Not only did I have a totally healthy gallbladder yanked from my body, but I also had no answers and no relief! 

Luckily my “gut instinct” (pun intended!) led me to my own exploration. Through my integrative medicine education and trial and error, I uncovered the real reason for my symptoms….low stomach acid, poor digestion, stress, and an unhealthy microbiome. 

Healing my digestive tract didn’t take long once I was finally pointed in the right direction.  

I do experience digestive distress from time to time because living without a gallbladder does negatively impact digestion. (Although the gallbladder may not be essential for life, contrary to medical belief, it is an essential organ for optimal digestion.) 

Luckily, I have learned strategies to keep my digestive tract functioning smoothly through diet, lifestyle, and targeted supplementation.  

I now also run a GI Map on myself every two years to ensure my digestive tract is functioning optimally and my gut microbiome is balanced.  

I have never shared this story before because, as an integrative practitioner, I am embarrassed to admit that I opted to have my gallbladder removed. I feared that my colleagues would judge me for not knowing better.

20 years ago, I didn’t know better…but now I do!

Back then when I was trying to solve my own GI distress, I had to guess what was wrong with my system. Luckily now I can test!  

Being able to combine my personal experience, my understanding of gut dysfunction, and the GI Map test, I have been able to help many people suffering from many of the same (and even worse!) symptoms I had:

“I was suffering and struggling with a diagnosis of ulcerative colitis over a year ago. Many of the prescription drugs recommended had horrific side effects and were not effective in decreasing cramps and pain. I consulted Susan Brady initially for joint pain, but, after testing, she immediately started me on several supplements to improve gut health. After a couple of months, my UC symptoms vastly decreased and I am no longer on any prescription drugs. Thank you, Susan!” ~LR

“Working with Susan totally changed my life! Before, I had lots of digestive issues, and my gut was on fire. Susan fixed all those issues and got me eating a very good healthy diet. I used to be hungry all the time. And now I just eat good food and feel satisfied. I have more energy, I’m sleeping better because of it.” ~JP

In integrative medicine/functional medicine/holistic medicine our goal is to find the root cause of someone’s disease…whether it is mild discomfort from gas and bloating, feeling like your gut is on fire, or an inflammatory issue such as ulcerative colitis. 

Is it dysbiosis (an imbalance of gut bacteria), a deficiency in digestive enzymes, intestinal inflammation, leaky gut?

You can guess…or you can test and know for sure!

When you start to understand what’s going on deep down inside, you can begin to heal. 

Figuring this all out on your own can be a long hard process (like it was for me.) I want to help you skip all of the guesswork and get the answers you’re looking for and my Gut Health Package is the perfect solution!

Click here to learn more about the Gut Health Package.

Medications Matter

Medications Matter

No doubt you have seen those commercials for medications when the announcer speeds through the list of side effects at the very end. 

Or opened up the package insert that comes along with an over-the-counter or prescription drug and saw a long list of possible side effects.

I don’t know about you, but to me sometimes the side effects sound worse than the condition the medication is actually treating!

Don’t get me wrong…there is a time and place for medications. Many are lifesaving. 

But as is evidenced by the commercials and inserts, the risks with medications are possible unwanted or unexpected side effects. 

Even though these side effects often list GI symptoms like nausea or upset stomach, I haven’t seen one yet that lists the long-term toll that many of these medications can have on our gut microbiome and ability to digest and absorb nutrients.

Here’s just a short list of common medications that can have a long term effect on the function of our gastrointestinal tract/gut and ultimately our health:

  • Antibiotics. Not only do they kill off the bacteria causing infections throughout our body (Good thing!), but also eradicate the trillions of symbiotic bacteria in our gut that are critical for our health.

  • Antacids. Popping an acid-blocking medication or chewing some Tums can soothe your stomach when it is in distress, but regular use of these medications can impact your ability to digest and absorb nutrients.

  • Laxatives. As I mentioned in a previous article, constipation affects many people. However, depending on laxatives can damage the digestive system by altering the function of the nerves and muscles of the colon. Laxatives can also have long-term negative effects on the composition of our gut flora (those trillions of microorganisms we house in our gut.)

  • NSAIDS (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) Despite their efficacy in the short-term relief of pain and inflammation, the use of these anti-inflammatory medications can have adverse effects on the GI tract. They can increase intestinal permeability (Leaky Gut) and change the composition and diversity of the gut microbiome.

…….and there are so many more that can have a serious impact on our GI function.

Isn’t it time to see if a medication that you may be taking is altering your gut function?

Even if a medication is necessary….knowing how it affects your gut gives you the power to balance out and counteract any negative side effects.

But if you don’t know, you can’t fix it!

That’s why having a GI Map stool analysis is so important! It uncovers disruption in the gut microbiome and assesses digestive function, inflammation, gut immunity, and gut permeability. 

Whether or not you take medications….if you want to thrive, not merely survive, this year….you gotta have your gut function checked!

Click here for all the details.

What Does Your Poo Say About You?

What Does Your Poo Say About You?

Last week I had a client who thought it was completely normal that she only had 2 bowel movements a week! She said she has had only 2 weekly bowel movements a week for most of her adult life and considers that normal for her. And not to dive too deep here, but she also was on a steady diet of Colace — a stool softener — to help induce her BMs.
This is NOT normal!
For those of us with furry friends, you will notice that animals poo several times a day. They eat, they drink, they go outside, they pee and they poo…not just once a day, but often 2-3 times a day. And certainly not just 2 times a week!
Why should this be different in humans?
Ideally, a good working digestive tract eliminates itself on a daily basis. And while most people think of constipation as just an annoying symptom, it can also be the root cause of undesirable conditions like fatigue, weight gain, low mood, and many others.
To me, it is a sign that the body is not in harmony and the GI tract is not working like the well-oiled machine it should be.
Certainly, chronic dehydration, lack of exercise, and low amounts of dietary fiber can all lead to developing constipation, but so can a disruption in the gut microbiome, food allergies, and low stomach acid.
I know it sounds gross, but paying attention to your bowel movements is pretty important. Your bowel habits are a strong indicator of your digestive health.  Abnormalities in frequency, shape, color, even how many times it takes to wipe yourself clean can all be indicators of digestive issues.  (Being a hyper-wiper is a clear sign that something is wrong!)
Isn’t it time to find out what your poo says about you?
The Gut Health Package is designed to do just that!
This package combines an advanced comprehensive stool analysis with 2 one-on-one consults for interpretation of results, personalized recommendations, and a follow-up to ensure your gut is healing and on the right track.
Click here to learn more about the Gut Health Package.
Research indicates that gut health impacts every area of overall human health.
Want to finally get healthy this year?
Then you need the guts to do it — and those guts need to be healthy!

Click here for a Gut Check!

Is Your Gut Leaking?

Is Your Gut Leaking?

I have spent a lot of time these past several weeks highlighting the importance of the digestive tract. I talked about how we need adequate enzymes to breakdown and digest our food, a healthy gut microbiome to absorb nutrients and support our immune system, and how we can nurture the bacteria in our gut by eating a high fiber, nutrient-rich, diverse diet. 

The wall of your intestine provides a unique barrier between the inside world of your body and the outside. This lining is responsible for allowing nutrients to be absorbed into your body while keeping unwanted substances like toxins and microorganisms out. Maintaining the integrity of the gut wall is crucial. 

Although this intestinal barrier is not fragile, it is only 1 cell thick. These cells stand side by side and are held tightly together by what is known as “tight junctions.” It is through these tight junctions that substances flow into and out of the body. They are very selective about what passes between the cells allowing vitamins, minerals, and digested food to freely pass through while keeping foreign invaders out. 

However, these tight junctions can break down and allow harmful substances to leak through and invade our bodies. This is a condition called intestinal permeability or leaky gut. Additionally, a leaky gut is also associated with inflammation in the intestinal wall which can prevent the absorption of needed nutrients. The result is a double whammy. The good can’t be absorbed while the bad flow right on through. The outcome can spark low-grade systemic inflammation, inflammatory diseases, and metabolic disorders.

What Causes Leaky Gut?

There are several factors that may contribute to increased intestinal permeability:

  • Antibiotic use
  • Medications such as NSAID, aspirin, steroids, stomach acid-reducing drugs
  • Chronic or excessive stress
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • An imbalance of the gut microflora
  • Environmental toxins
  • A poor diet low in fiber and high in processed carbohydrates
  • Nutrient deficiencies such as vitamins A and D
  • Food additives 

Leaky gut is most readily associated with the signs and symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, such as constipation, bloating, diarrhea, indigestion, nausea, gas, or cramping.

However, if a leaky gut continues, it can lead to other health conditions such as:

  • Cognitive issues like memory problems or brain fog
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Mood swings
  • Joint and/or muscle pain
  • Food sensitivities
  • Skin conditions
  • Autoimmune conditions

Tightening Up Those Leaky Junctions 

The 5 -R approach developed by the Institute of Functional Medicine is commonly used to treat leaky gut syndrome and heal the digestive tract. The approach involves the following steps:

  1. Remove anything that could be irritating your gut: alcohol, caffeine, processed foods, foods that you may have an intolerance or sensitivity to such as gluten or dairy.
  2. Replace essential nutrients that support digestive health and consider taking a digestive enzyme to support the optimal breakdown of food.
  3. Repopulate the gut microflora with prebiotic and probiotic foods. Prebiotic foods such as onions, garlic, leeks nourish the beneficial gut microflora and probiotic foods such as yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, and kombucha can help replenish the beneficial bacteria.
  4. Repair by supplying nutrients that help promote the healing of the gut. Focus on foods rich in vitamins A, C, D, E, and zinc as well as amino acids. Bone broth is an excellent source of amino acids. Certain supplements that contain L-glutamine, collagen, aloe vera, marshmallow, or slippery elm are helpful for healing the gut lining as well.
  5. Rebalance your life through stress management, restorative sleep, revitalizing exercise, and practicing self-love and gratitude. 


When left unchecked, leaky gut syndrome can negatively affect every aspect of your health. Poor nutrient absorption and chronic inflammation can be the fuel that fires many diseases. 

Do you suffer from digestive issues but are confused about where to begin to improve your gut health? 

Are you curious about the health of your microbiome?

Do you have signs and symptoms of a leaky gut?

Constipation, gas, bloating and indigestion may seem like merely an annoyance, but they are clear signs and symptoms of an unhealthy gut.  If left unchecked, it can lead to a variety of serious health issues. 

This is where I can help!  Through specific testing and diet and lifestyle analysis, we can get a peek into what is going on deep in the digestive tract and develop a personalized gut healing protocol to reduce the chance a small digestive annoyance becomes a major health problem.

Click here to schedule a Free 15-minute consult to learn more about how to heal your gut.