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Get your Bone Health Essentials supplements with 20% off!

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Lessons Learned from Home

When I started with my “Creating a Home Health Haven” blog back on March 23rd,  my goal was to provide support and encouragement to my community during a time of turmoil. We were hurled into a situation none of us had ever experienced. As world leaders focused on how to protect the population from getting sick, as an integrative health care practitioner, I wanted to focus on how we can stay well: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Our homes, where most merely ate a good meal and rested their heads, have become our everything; our place of rest and security, our place of work, worship and socialization, our place of exercise, learning and creativity. My purpose was to help you create a space that could meet all of these needs that are so essential to staying healthy and happy. In taking this on, I learned a lot and found that I helped myself and my family create a home health haven too. Today, I want to share some things I’ve learned in the last month since sheltering in our home.

  1. I learned that I am much more emotionally balanced and resilient when I keep a daily schedule.  Waking, exercising, eating, and going to bed at the same time everyday has given me some sense of control over my life during a time of extreme uncertainty. The sense of losing control can leave you feeling fearful and powerless. What I have realized is that, though I may not have external control of what is happening in the world outside my home, I do have control over what happens inside my home. Sticking to a regime of daily activities has helped me stay physically and mentally fit.

  2. I need to wear shoes to be productive. Don’t laugh! Even though I dressed every morning for my work day, if I remained in bare feet or merely donned socks or slippers, I inevitably struggled to focus. It also doesn’t seem to matter what I am wearing… jeans, sweatshirt, slacks, sweater…just whether or not my feet are secured with shoes!  Wearing shoes, for some reason, puts me in an active state of mind. Who knew feet and brain are connected?
  3. I have learned to appreciate technology more than ever. I have always viewed technology as bittersweet.  However, I have become a champion of technology during this crisis because it has made it so easy to stay connected to our loved ones and friends. Although there is nothing that replaces connecting in person, having the ability to Skype/Zoom/Facetime can truly bring people together. I have been able to connect with friends and family, living both miles away and only a few miles down the road, through virtual game nights, birthday parties and happy hours. Although it baffles me why it took a crisis to more actively nurture these connections, I am grateful that we have been able to actually grow closer despite having to stay further apart.
  4. Despite creating a healthy haven for myself indoors, being home bound solidified how much I truly need fresh air, sunshine and nature for mental clarity, positive spirit and overall well-being. Honestly, people aren’t meant to spend the whole day inside drenched in artificial lighting and sitting in a chair breathing circulated air. A few years ago, I wrote a post about the healing powers of nature and the science behind “forest bathing.”  When researching this Japanese practice, I learned that trees and plants emit compounds called phytoncides which help us reduce stress and boost our immune system. We all intuitively know that nature is therapeutic, but it’s nice to have science back it up!
  5. I learned that I can get by with only using 4 squares of toilet paper with every visit to the bathroom – maybe that is too much information! Although I am sensitive about using too much toilet paper on the head of a boat, I never thought that I would have to count my daily squares in my own home…and add it to every shopping list!
  6. Writing these blogs highlighted the fact that when we help others, we help ourselves. Though my intent was to encourage each and every one of you to stay healthy and strong while sheltering at home, your feedback and responses were so heartening that they lifted my spirits and sustained my health as well. So I am humbled and grateful for having a such a supportive audience.

Here we are at the end of April, 5 weeks since I started my posts. Many states have started to re-open, but the majority continue to ask people to remain at home for at least another month. I have heard from many however, that it is going to be a long time until they feel comfortable again leaving their home. Therefore, continuing to find ways to connect and stay physically and mentally fit is going to be imperative. 

What have you learned about yourself throughout this process? What steps have you taken to maintain your health and well-being? What things have you enjoyed about spending more time at home? What has been your biggest frustration? What new health habits are going to continue moving forward? And, do you also get more done when you have shoes on?

Please share…I would love to hear from you! I’m hoping to compile and share the tips and techniques we each have incorporated into our “new normal” lives so we can all continue adapt and support each other.

Simply send me an email and share your thoughts and experiences.

Susan Brady
is a Physical Therapist,
Nutrition Consultant and
Doctor of Integrative Medicine.
She has been treating women with osteoporosis for over 30 years and is dedicated to helping people achieve lasting good health and vitality.

Want to learn more about how you can improve your bone health? Contact me for a free 15 minute phone consult to learn more about the BONES Method™ and how it can help you achieve strong, healthy bones for life!

™Here’s why leafy greens should be at the top of your dietary list for bone health: 

1. Calcium-Rich Goodness

While dairy products are known for their calcium content, green leafy vegetables can be just as potent. Calcium is a fundamental mineral for bone health, and leafy greens like kale, collard greens, and turnip greens provide an excellent plant-based source of this nutrient. One cup of cooked kale can offer as much calcium as a cup of milk, making it an essential addition to your diet.


2. Vitamin K: The Bone Protector

Leafy greens are rich in vitamin K, a nutrient vital for bone health. Vitamin K helps in the activation of osteocalcin, a protein that binds calcium to the bone matrix, strengthening bones. Additionally, vitamin K helps reduce excessive bone demineralization, protecting against bone loss and fractures. Spinach, kale, and Swiss chard are particularly high in vitamin K, making them superstars for your skeletal system.


3. Magnesium for Bone Metabolism

Magnesium is another crucial nutrient found abundantly in leafy greens. About 50-60% of the body’s magnesium is stored in the bones, where it plays a pivotal role in bone metabolism and mineralization. Magnesium also assists in converting vitamin D into its active form, which aids in calcium absorption. Incorporating greens like spinach and kale into your diet ensures you get enough magnesium for optimal bone health.


4. Maintaining Alkaline Balance

A diet rich in leafy greens helps maintain the body’s acid-base balance, which is essential for bone health. When the body becomes too acidic, it may leach calcium from the bones to neutralize the acid, leading to weakened bones. Leafy greens, being alkaline, help maintain a balanced pH, preventing calcium loss and keeping your bones strong and healthy.


5. Packed with Antioxidants and Other Nutrients

Green leafy vegetables are packed with a range of vitamins and minerals that contribute to overall health. Vitamin C, found in greens like kale and spinach, is necessary for collagen formation, which is a critical component of bone structure. Additionally, the antioxidants in leafy greens help protect bone cells from damage and reduce inflammation. The concept of osteoimmunology highlights the connection between the immune system and bone health. Nutrients found in leafy greens help modulate immune responses, reducing inflammation and promoting bone regeneration and repair.


6. Fiber for Digestive Health

Leafy greens are high in dietary fiber, which supports a healthy digestive tract and promotes regular bowel movements. Fiber also aids in maintaining a healthy gut microbiome, which is crucial for bone health. A healthy gut microbiome can enhance nutrient absorption, including calcium and magnesium, synthesize essential vitamins such as vitamin K2, reduce inflammation, and regulate hormones, all of which further support bone health.


 I recommend aiming to get 2-3 cups of leafy greens a day


Practical Ways to Add Leafy Greens to Your Diet

1. Smoothies: Add a handful of your favorite greens to your smoothie.

2. Salads: Make leafy greens the base of your salads. Mix varieties like arugula, romaine, kale, and spinach for a nutrient-packed meal.

3. Soups and Stews: Add chopped greens to soups, stews, and broths. They add flavor and a nutritional boost.

4. Stir-Fries: Incorporate greens like bok choy or Swiss chard into your stir-fries for a quick and healthy dinner.

5. Wraps and Sandwiches: Use large leafy greens as wraps or add them to sandwiches for extra crunch and nutrition. 


NOTE: While green leafy vegetables are incredibly beneficial for bone health and overall well-being, it is important to be mindful of their oxalate content. Oxalates, are naturally occurring compounds found in many plants, including leafy greens, nuts, seeds and certain vegetables. They can bind to minerals in the gut which can interfere with their absorption. For this reason, oxalates are considered anti-nutrients. I delve deeper into the topic of oxalates in my BONES Method™ Program where I discuss what foods have the highest oxalate content, the best alternatives, and how to manage oxalate intake effectively. Supporting optimal bone health doesn’t require perfection—it requires balance. In this program you will discover how a well-rounded, nutritious diet can contribute to strong bones and overall wellness.

CLICK HERE to learn more about my program. 


Incorporating green leafy vegetables into your daily diet is a simple and effective way to support your bone health. These greens provide a rich source of calcium, vitamin K, magnesium, fiber, and antioxidants, all of which are essential for maintaining strong and healthy bones. Additionally, their benefits extend to supporting digestive health and boosting immune function, making them a cornerstone of a bone-healthy diet. So next time you plan your meals, make sure to include a generous serving of leafy greens and give your bones the nourishment they need to stay strong for life.


 Eat like a horse, and enjoy the benefits of strong, healthy bones for years to come!






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Bone Health Essentials

Smart supplementation is an integral part of my Bones Method

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Susan Brady

Physical Therapist, Nutritional consultant & Doctor of Integrative medicine

Susan is an experienced physical therapist who can assess muscle strength, posture, and balance. She creates personalized exercise programs to improve bone strength. As a nutritionist, she focuses on improving nutrients for bone health and assessing digestion and absorption. Susan also understands the importance of reducing stressors to prevent bone loss. With her holistic approach, Susan effectively addresses all aspects of bone health.

Susan Brady

Physical Therapist, Nutritional consultant & Doctor of Integrative medicine

Susan is an experienced physical therapist who can assess muscle strength, posture, and balance. She creates personalized exercise programs to improve bone strength. As a nutritionist, she focuses on improving nutrients for bone health and assessing digestion and absorption. Susan also understands the importance of reducing stressors to prevent bone loss. With her holistic approach, Susan effectively addresses all aspects of bone health.

Free webinar

Is your gut holding your bones hostage?

Join this webinar to discover how your digestive system and gut microbiome can impact your bone health. Learn how enhancing the health of your "Gut System" can lead to improvements in your bone health.